Thank You for Sending Your Letters - Your Almost Done!

Please forward the link to send letters to your friends, family members, colleagues, business partners and clergy by entering their email address in the fields below.

The brief eMail that they will receive from YOU reads as follows ...

The eMail reads

I just sent letters to my NYS Senator and NYS Assembly Person to support the 400 Foundation's Letter Writing campaign to advocate for Economic Development Opportunities for Black Skill Development and Black Business Acceleration in the State of New York.

Please click the link below to submit your letters to join us in this important letter writing campaign that is designed to:

1. Get Relief for Houses of Worship due Covid-19 Restrictions
2. Get Funding for Black Workforce and Business Development across New York State
3. Advocate for Black Community Participation in the Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery

Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation!

Click the link below to send your letters ...

Enter eMails below:

ANTI-SPAM NOTE: eMails are coming from you to people that you know and therefore not considered SPAM. Please do not enter eMail Addresses of people who you DON'T KNOW personally. At NO TIME will we use the eMail addresses below to communicate with people in your center of influence.

There are 5 fields below ...